Friday, 30 October 2015

Health Co-op Board Meeting: Highlights from October 13, 2015

Highlights of Our Board Meeting:

  • Pacific Blue Cross Foundation announces TEETH Clinic as one of five finalists in their 75th Anniversary social media competition for $50,000.  

5 finalists

West Kootenay TEETH clinic – Nelson, BC
  Charlford House Society for Women – Vancouver, BC
  Canim Lake Band – Tsq'escenemc People, 100 Mile House, BC
  StreetoHome – Vancouver, BC
Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) 

Videos will be posted to a web or social media page hosted by Pacific Blue Cross, where the public can vote on their favourite interview / story.  Make sure you vote for your local, West Kootenay Low Cost Dental Clinic 
  • Community Health Resource Centre meeting room is being well used by caring community health organizations and September sees the expansion of community use.
  • Our website blog will have a new feature shortly.   Health practitioners, partners in the Wellness Centre, will be sharing their expertise in a variety of areas such as dealing with seasonal colds and flu, pain management, etc.  If you have any ideas on what you would like us to cover - drop a line through the comments section.

That is it from your local Health Co-op.  Let us know what you think - comments are most welcome.

Marion, Erin and Eric

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Alzheimer Society of B.C. - Understanding Behaviour & Communication. A Workshop, for Caregivers, on Thursday, November 19th, 2015 in Nelson

What is dementia?

Dementia is an overall term for a set of symptoms that are caused by disorders affecting the brain. Symptoms may include memory loss and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language, severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. A person with dementia may also experience changes in mood or behaviour.

Dementia is progressive, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse as more brain cells become damaged and eventually die.

Dementia is not a specific disease. Many diseases can cause dementia, the most common being Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia (due to strokes). Some of the other causes of dementia include Lewy Body disease, head trauma, fronto-temporal dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. These conditions can have similar and overlapping symptoms.

Some treatable conditions can produce symptoms similar to dementia, for example, vitamin deficiencies, thyroid disease, sleep disorders, or mental illness. It is therefore important to arrange for a full medical assessment as early as possible.

Getting a timely diagnosis can help you access information, resources and support through the Alzheimer Society, benefit from treatment, and plan ahead.

Marion and I have both attended some of Julie's workshops and have found them very interesting and educational.  If you have a chance to attend - please take advantage of Julie's expertise.

Eric and Marion