Thursday, 17 March 2016

Community First Health Co-op Update: Passport to Wellness Health Fair, Home Help Organizer and Health Care Co-operative Federation of Canada

Passport to Wellness 2015

               Rain – sun – rain – sun !! It must be spring rounding the corner in the Kootenay’s and with daylight savings about to begin, the light at the end of the winter tunnel is here.


Passport to Wellness 2015
  CFHC is gearing up for our second Passport to Wellness Health Fair on April 16, 2016 from 10am-4pm at 518 Lake Street. We are just confirming all of our presenters and information kiosks for the event.   We will have presentations by the Canadian Cancer Society, The Kootenay Division of Family Physicians, Mark McBride (pharmacist and sleep expert), Sandy McLean (Mental Health, Resilience and Illness), Elephant Mountain Counselling and Shauna Robertson (Essential Oils) and more to be added this week, so check for our posters, and in the Nelson Star Community Calendar for more information on our sessions. We will also have kiosks from TEETH and IHA Dental, BC Lung Association, MS Society, Nelson Hospice, Friends of the Family, ALS and Heart and Stroke with more to also be added.

 Plan to join us for a FREE day of information and interaction as you take responsibility for your wellness.

The Seniors Co-ordinating Society has hired a Home Help Organizer, Lynn Goodison. She helps Seniors stay in their homes by providing help with light cleaning, grocery shopping, respite and other areas in which they may need help. She can be contacted at 250-352-6008 or through the Senior Co-ordinating Society Website. The rate of pay for the services varies, but can be subsidized. She organizes for Nelson and the outlying areas of Nelson. She has hours to use, so please give her a call if you or someone you know can use her help.

  Did you know that CFHC is part of a much larger organization – The Health Care Co-operative Federation of Canada?  Established in 2011, the HCCFC serves the health co-op sector across Canada. The mission is to support and promote health and wellness co-operatives in Canada through work within and beyond our sector.  Community First Health Co-op is one of 18 members in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and B.C. They support us through fostering relationships between members and providing access to programs that will enhance our ability to be a more complete health co-op, find evidence and research to convince the public and policy makers of the benefits of community wellness and cost savings that are created by health and wellness co-ops, and they are advocates for health co-ops with the governments of Canada. If you would like to know more about the role they play check out their website –

    Eric is thinking gardening and Marion is getting her bike springerized to begin her training for her next cycling adventure.    

Yours in health,

 Eric and Marion

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

We are Celebrating AND Asking for Your Help: Low Cost Dental Clinic Working for Your Community

MLA Michelle Mungall and Board Members Celebrate the receipt of $50,000 from Pacific Blue Cross

News Release: February 24, 2016

Subject:  West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic Society requesting partnerships with dentists, dental professionals and community members of the Central Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary Regional Districts.

West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic Society (TEETH) is a registered not for profit society, whose sole purpose is to increase access to dental care for all. The Society is currently operating a low cost clinic within a dental office in Nelson. This one office, currently serves all residents in Central Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary Regional Districts. Clients of TEETH receive dental care with a 40% discount. Many dedicated paid staff, volunteers, donation of clinic space and other discounts and donations has enabled the program to be viable and sustainable.

TEETH recently won 1st prize, $50,000 from Pacific Blue Cross 75th Anniversary “Share the Care Giveaway.” This prize enables the Board of TEETH to invite dentists, dental professionals and community members of the Central Kootenay and Kootenay Boundary Regional Districts to unite with the work of TEETH’s mission “To increase access to dental care for all citizens in the communities regardless of income level.”

The Board is seeking partnerships, for the purpose of increasing access to low-cost quality dental care.

We are seeking your ideas of how you can partner with TEETH in your community. Although we have envisioned similar clinics operating in the rest of the Kootenay Boundary region, we realize each community is unique. Because we understand what is effectual in one community, may not be in another, we are asking for your suggestions. 

Let us know what might work best in your area to increase access to low-cost quality dental care.

The Board of TEETH welcomes the opportunity to partner with you and hear all your suggestions. Let us know what is your community's ‘best-fit’ to provide low-cost quality dental care.

Thank you for helping us help you, and your community, to increase access to low-cost quality dental care that is closer to home.

 Please contact us at: or 250-352-6560 (TEETH info Hot Line).

The Board of The West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic Society:
Barry Nelson, Debby Zeeben, Eric Ramsden, Mara Sand, Pegasis McGauley, Christine Chore

If you have any ideas, or would like to volunteer or work with us, you can leave a comment or contact us as noted above.

Eric, Erin and Marion