Thursday, 28 January 2016

West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic Wins BIG for Our Community!

Check out the Vancouver Sun Article:

Pacific Blue Cross "Share the Care" Winner

The Board:  Barry, Mara, Debby, Eric, Pegasis
Missing:  Christine
Needless to say, we (the board, the many volunteers, Dr. Osepchook and his dental staff) are very excited about this unique success and the opportunity that it provides to the West Kootenay Community TEETH Clinic.

Now that we have been confirmed in receiving the $50,000 grant from Pacific Blue Cross a different kind of challenge – how to best utilize these funds to provide the best possible improvement to our low cost dental services to our West Kootenay Boundary community.

Can we provide an additional clinic to reduce travel and bring direct services to more members of our community?  Are we able to increase our denture program and other clinical services?  So much to think about – what a great problem to have.
Dr. Osepchook and his amazing staff

As well, we have to thank all of those that helped us to garner this success. The local media was a great assistance in the drive to get the word out.  The ability to link into social media to spread the word using Facebook and Twitter provided us a interesting opportunity to spread the word beyond our local borders.  We had people all across the country responding to our plea for assistance in helping our community.

We roll up our sleeves with our next board meeting that is set for Friday, February 5th at 1:30 p.m. at the Resource Centre in the Community First Health Co-op Building at 518 Lake Street in Nelson.

We would love to have our communities’ involvement on where we go from here.

Thanks again to Pacific Blue Cross for its Share The Care project, part of the not-for-profit health insurer's plan to celebrate its 75th anniversary by giving away $75,000 to by selecting five existing recipients (of their annual funding), making short videos about their work and then asking people to vote online for their favourites.

Thanks you so very much for supporting your community,

Erin, Marion and Eric

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! A well deserved recipient .... All the best in your future
    endeavours .
