Sunday, 14 August 2016


Is it really summer?

Summer is here? Well we have sun, rain, thunder, lightning and wind on a daily basis BUT we hope whether you on in the air or on water or land that you are being active and taking time to soak in the ambience of summer in the Kootenay’s.

The CFHC board held its August board meeting, and although quieter in the summer, we still have some highlights to share.

The Senior Co-ordinating Society and the Nelson Senior Centre – Branch 51 are hosting a Seniors Collectible Fair to help people downsize, up the profile of each of the sponsors and have some fun. The Fair will take place from 9-4:30 on Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25, 2016 at the Rod and Gun Club.  A table is $35 for the two days and if you want to be part of this Fair, then after August 24,2016 you can contact Brad Howard at 250-354-1983 or   Hope to see you there checking out the tables and perhaps finding the treasure you have always wanted.

The Public Relations Committee will be working on updating our website and putting more blog posts up each month. We will do a blog on highlights of the board meeting but also will do on featuring special events for groups in the resource centre and health related articles and links.  We are also looking to host 2-3 education sessions each year and of course support and host the Passport to Wellness Health Fair.  Let us know what you think - what would interest you?

Thanks to Deb Zeeben, who spent 8 hours on a conference call on behalf of CFHC to be part of a gathering of Community Health Centres in B.C. 

The Canadian Association of Health Centres will work on incorporating the British Columbia Association of Health centres with a new mission and new definition. Currently a Community Health Centre is defined as a multi-sector health and health care organizations that integrate primary care, health promotion, community health and other services that contribute towards health. Check their link to learn more:

 In B.C., there are over 100 community health centres that operate in a variety of ways with the common thread being the integration of services. At the Nelson Community Health Centre we have seen integration of services both in the Apple Tree Maternity and BC Rise Wellness Centre, we do education through the resource centre, at our Health Fair and by providing opportunities for our partners to do sessions for education and we are involved in housing and seniors support that contribute to community health.

We are committed at Community First Health Coop to achieving wellness by using community engagement to know the needs of those we live and play with and continually building creative and responsible programs and services.  We are excited about the connection of Community Health Centres and an opportunity to be in at the ground floor of a new association in primary health care promotion. 

As the summer progresses, enjoy time to focus on your friends and family and the social connectedness that we know contributes to good health.


Eric, Erin and Marion

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