Saturday, 16 September 2017

A Fond Farewell and an Update on AGM 2017

Life is a funny thing... Marion and I have been working together on the blog, in a couple of different iterations, for a few years now and it seems I just could not readily post the last blog that Marion scripted for us.

After much delay, and a definite bit of sadness for her partner-in-crime, here is Marion's final (until some day in the future I hope) bit of all things Community First Health Co-op:

           We started this blog a couple of years ago to keep people informed on the activities of the Community First Health Co-op and we hope it is picked up by someone else, but for us, we are on our year off from the Board – our mandate allows two 3 year terms and then you must take a break (though rumour has it Eric will continue to go to meetings, but Marion will only be involved in the health fair)

         Our AGM was held on Tuesday, June 13 with 25 people in attendance. The speaker for the evening was Rick Turner with the BC Health Coalition, the body that has intervenor status in the trial between
Rick Turner
Dr. Brian Day of the Cambie Health clinic and the B.C. Government.  The case at hand is the discovery of over billing of $500,000 in a one-month period, for procedures that are done at pubic hospitals on a fee schedule. He is fighting the finding by stating that the government has violated his constitutional rights to charge what he wants for procedures that are done privately.

       His contention is that is B.C. were to have a 2 tier system, then the wait lists would be shorter in the public system, but in reality that is not what happens as private clinics also take doctors and nurses from the public system.

Rick Turner and Pegasis McGauley, Chair
This is a fight for Medicare and our health system- it will go to the Supreme court and then the impact will be for all of Canada.

After a refreshment break, and thank you Sarah Popoff for the wonderful home baked treats, the AGM, chaired by Pegasis McGauley began. 

A thank you to the outgoing Board members-  Pegasis, Eric, Erin, and Marion and the election of the new board members – Jacqueline Carr, Mia Gardiner, Doug Stoddart, Lynn Goodison, Sarah Popoff and Deb Zeeben.  

Each of the Board members gave a report on what they had focused on during the last year and some of the plans for the upcoming year. 

  The Wellness Centre at 518 Lake Street is busy and almost full at this time, with limited space available, financially we are in good shape, the Health Fair was a success with plans for a broadened community based day on April 7,2018 which is World Health Day, our PR committee updated the website,  and have used social media effectively to enhance our profile in the region, the TEETH low cost dental has expanded and served over 550
Barry Nelson of TEETH
clients, and now includes a mobile dental hygienist clinic, and the Lake Street Housing committee is busy exploring possibilities.

 The statutory meeting after the AGM will be held on Friday, June 16, 2017 and then the new board will take on the positions for the upcoming year.   We wish them the best of luck on their continuing journey for integrated health.

 Live, love and laugh – and enjoy the summer, if it really ever gets here.

Eric and Marion 

PS - and what a summer it was full of heat, smoke and more heat and more smoke.  Today's cool, clear air is a treasure for all of us.

Thanks again, Marion, and if you ever get an unnerving urge to send a line or two for our blog... don't hesitate.


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